It’s easy to look back on 2023 and wonder. What did we accomplish? Of what can we be proud? What are the things for which we can give thanks? The list of questions that prompt reflection could go on and on. And for most of us, it does.   

Our favorite thing to reflect on though,
isn’t what happened, but what’s to come. 

This time of year can be tough. The days are short (but getting longer – yay solstice!) and the cold deters most from wandering outside. These are the weeks and days we need to dream of outdoor adventures the most. We need to be planning big things and manifesting things we can daydream of on cold winter evenings. 

Wendy, for example, asked Julie to teach us all about winter camping. Julie laughed, and said she’d be happy to, but was not enthused by the prospect of sleeping in the snow. We joked about sleeping in a cabin rather than the snow – you know, baby steps — although there’s little snow in our Bighorns right now. 

We also talked about how From Two Tents can provide the much needed outlet for those cold winter nights. We made plans to continue providing advice, gear reviews, stories and so much more through this platform. We hope that in the new year, you find as much joy in this new adventure as we do!

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